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02/22/08 01:00 PM #1    

Alvin Jones

does anyone know the whereabouts of quinn harris

03/05/08 02:35 PM #2    

Julie Ryan (Lindstrom)


I have tried for several years to find Quinn- even called several numbers in Dallas with no luck. His cousin, Rick Yount doesn't even know where he is.

03/25/08 02:45 PM #3    

James McFall

I'm not sure who is responsible for the website but great job! It's been fun reading and catching up to what everyone is doing and where they are. Who knew so many were in my own "neck of the woods".

03/26/08 04:28 PM #4    

Angie Thompson

This is awesome!!!! Great to see everyone out there. Please forward this to as many classmates as you can so we can all catch up!

I can reach Sandy Reedy and Rod Merritt and have already talked to Tracy Duel.

See you on the 6th of April! :0)

04/01/08 11:07 AM #5    

Sandy Reedy (Willis)

Any one know how they picked the date of the reunion? It happens to be NASCAR weekend at the KS Speedway so I won't be able to make the reunion.

04/01/08 01:32 PM #6    

James McFall

Hi Sandy,
I think it was based off Smith Cotton's Homecoming football game.

04/10/08 05:03 PM #7    

Kevin Walker

I hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to see everyone this year for our class reunion.

04/21/08 10:08 AM #8    

Lisa Price (Bryant)

I agree that whoever designed the web site did a wonderful job. I can't believe how many missing people there still are. I wonder if some just want to stay missing? I've seen a few on the list that work here in town and mentioned the site. It's going to be great to get together with everyone and catch up. Looking forward to seeing all that are there!! Take Care:)

04/22/08 02:40 PM #9    

Julie Ryan (Lindstrom)

Coach Armstrong Fans!
Since there seems to be a lot of talk about Coach Armstrong in our high school memories I did a little internet detective work and found this picture of him. Check out this link:

04/27/08 05:33 PM #10    

Lesli Bolling (Shaver)


So it isn't so...maybe you have the wrong man?

lol..omg..we are getting old!

05/09/08 11:18 PM #11    

Cyndi Reque (Engelken)

Wow!! Julies find on Coach Armstrong shows how time can change anything. I'm always telling my husband that we age but in our minds we still feel like we are 20!!! I guess it isn't so. Bummer!!!!

05/12/08 09:31 PM #12    

Julie Ryan (Lindstrom)

Don't worry Cyndi, you stay as young as you like! I have told my daughters that I'm staying young as long as I can and I'm not going down without a fight! Of course, they are utterly embarrassed!

05/14/08 12:19 AM #13    

Cyndi Reque (Engelken)

You're right Julie. I can feel like I'm 20 as long as I want to, or as long as I can walk.

05/15/08 09:44 PM #14    

Danny Murphy (Murphy)

Just wanted to drop a note and say hello to all. Yeah, I did not hang with alot of you guys, mainly I hung with Alan Green, Dean Baker and Wesley Broyles, but I still want to make sure I stay in touch with my class. Feel free to drop me an email at and let me know how you guys are doing and what you have been up to these past 25 YEARS!! Does anyone know if anyone is "famous" or played professional sports from our class? I probably won't make it to the reunion, but everyone can view my profile to see what I have been up to, mainly storm chasing.

06/24/08 04:00 PM #15    

Scott Rose

Wm Scott Rose

Went to a Royals Game with Alvin Jones June 21.
Had a great time catching up on old times. I also got a
chance to talk to Martin Jackson, Kenny Smith, and Mark Schwickrath. I had great conversation with all three. I
told Kenny he needed to update his profile. I look forward to Sept. 26-27


07/03/08 09:08 PM #16    

Christian Farris

Glad to hear from so many of you and how you are doing. I was walking around Nebraska Furniture Mart one day and stumbled into Amy Austin and about fell over. She looked great! I hope everyone plans to go to the reunion. It doesn't happen often so please make plans to attend. I need to get caught up on what everyone's doing and where they're living. Scritch Scratch what have you been doing in Cali besides hanging with Snoop Dog? Mr. Newton it's about time you logged on. Ed Horn, sounds like you haven't changed a bit. Girls, be careful where you leave your cameras, lol. I haven't left Sedville yet but getting close. Hopefully it will happen soon. Can someone get in touch with Amy Long and let her know she is missing and needs to be found? CYA at the REUNION PARTY

07/04/08 07:41 PM #17    

Danny Murphy (Murphy)

Are there any other classmates that love to chase tornadoes like I do? Let me know and send me some pics of your recent chases. Hope you see the Dateline special on the "Year of the Tornado" highlighting the tornadoes that my chase partner Derrick, yes my son, and I chased over the Memorial Day weekend. What a rush!! I was more worried about getting my son into trouble, but he was cool all the time, when we experienced debris falling from the air for 15 miles and trying to outrun the mile wide wedge to our south. We raced to get to the south of the tornadoes, but the Hazleton cell was rain wrapped and it was hard to get a great photo of the storm because of how massive the wall cloud was. I will wake up at 3am to watch a bad storm, that is how much I love what I do!! Later....

08/29/08 03:58 PM #18    

Lisa Freese (Braverman)

I just attended the Pep Assembly at SC for the first home football game. Did we really have that much energy and enthusiasm?! It's exciting to go back and relive memories. And it's fun to see classmates, and children of classmates: SC Vice Principal Steve Triplett was there, of course. Jenny (Barnes) Guerrini was coaching the cheerleaders. I'm even more excited now about our reunion! There will be a Pep Assembly Homecoming Day, though I'm not sure of the time. Any classmates who will be in from out of town who would like to go, shoot me an email and I'll get you the details. GO TIGERS!


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