Eddie Horn

Profile Updated: April 6, 2008
Eddie Horn
Residing In: jefferson city, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Julie Coble....she finally wised up :)
Occupation: Principal/Coach
Children: Logan and Shelby...my little shorties.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I hope everyone can make it to the reunion. I know what a great time that I had in high school....I know most of you are thinking way too much fun, but it will be a great time to eat, drink and catch up.

School Story:

The Horn List (This is without much thought and in no particular order)

1. The High school soccer trips and games.
2. Dave Backer pulling John Martin, Mark Schwickrath, Kent Gwaltney and myself in hallway calling us the Too much fun at lunch bunch and that we better get our shit together or he would kick all of asses..."at the same time if you want to come and get it right now."
3. As my man Martin Jackson said "the cheerleaders at the homecoming assembly.....We pulled up on Mark Schwickrath and he was laying down in the front seat of his car in the teachers parking lot with a bottle of bubbly at his lips....getting his sparkle fingers ready...and cheer face on.
4. All of the parties in the country and the good old days where the Sheriff would just tell you to pour the beer out and go home....I am sure that is how you do it in Jackson County now Alvin????
5. Frank "The Tank" Russell tearing a phone book in half in Missouri History class....come on it was only a Sedalia phone book.
6. Putting a tack in Mrs Brock's chair in Accounting class, watching her sit down on it....holding my breath waiting for her response...nothing....didn't even phase her.
7. Cruising the strip and going by Dairy Queen and honking and mooning everyone in line during the summer.
8. Todd Newton smashing a school record 153 mailboxes with his car in one night. A record that I am sure still stands.
9. Ms Taylor always talking about being drunk in school since she stopped off at the Friendly Tavern on her way to school. When Triplett started working at S-C, she convinced him that she was going to have my baby...or that I was her Babies Daddy! She is one of my all time favorites.
10. All of the girls in our class flipping out over Dan Armstrong.....he was not that Hot anyway.
Do I need to go on?????? I am sure we all have stories.

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Eddie Horn has a birthday today.
Sep 19, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Eddie Horn has a birthday today.
Sep 19, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Eddie Horn has a birthday today.
Sep 19, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Eddie Horn has a birthday today.
Sep 19, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Eddie Horn has a birthday today.
Sep 19, 2015 at 4:33 AM